Call me Sai... I'm a self-learned full-stack engineer and designer with experience building software for 9+ years. I'm a Founder in the YCombinator Summer 2023 batch who&s interested in startups and the intersection of AI and sales and marketing. Currently building next-generation GTM tools 🚀 @ Hyperbound. Formerly I was a founding engineer @ Bloom (YC W21), a financial education app that teaches people how to start building wealth by investing in the stock market.
When I'm not hacking away at something, I enjoy singing 🎙️, making multilingual Youtube covers (English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil) 🎥, playing chess (challenge me to a bullet game @saichess123) ♟️, watching Lebron James play basketball 🐐, and dreaming about building cities on Mars 🚀 🔭.
Formerly, I founded a fintech startup called Calypso, a modern loan servicing
platform, and
participated in the Skydeck
Hotdesk and Berkeley
accelerator programs as well the Berkeley Collider
Cup startup competition (top 3 out of 150 teams university-wide). Before that, I worked
summers (2020 & 2021) as a
Engineer Intern @ Salesforce, on
Einstein AI
Chatbots Team .
I graduated from UC Berkeley Class of '22 🐻 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Data Science minor. For 4 years (2018 - 2022), I worked as a research assistant @ UC Berkeley RISE Lab and under the guidance of Prof. Joseph Gonzalez & Prof. David Culler, I contributed to open-source projects such as XBOS, a large-scale distributed operating system for smart buildings (Python, Go, gRPC, React, JavaScript) as well as ERDOS, a state-of-the-art streaming dataflow system for developing self-driving cars and other autonomous robotics applications (Python, Rust). I also served on the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) leadership team where I planned and attended events for budding entrepreneurs on campus. I'm also an alumni of Berkeley's oldest a cappella group (since 1948), the UC Men's Octet.
I'm always building something new and I love to chat about cool new ideas, technology, and music! Feel free to shoot me an email @ to chat!